News PRP Appointed to Welsh Government Building Safety Team contract via CHIC

PRP Appointed to Welsh Government Building Safety Team contract via CHIC

News, Press Releases

April 02, 2024

We’re happy to announce that PRP has been successfully appointed to a new contract to continue to support the work of the Welsh Government Building Safety Team via Communities and Housing Investment Consortium (CHIC). 

The Welsh Building Safety Fund aims to address Fire building safety defects in medium and high-rise residential buildings in Wales. With the overall objective being to do so in a timely fashion to allow the residents of these buildings to continue to live safely in their homes. 

There are four key areas impacting the safety of these buildings that will be considered: cladding, compartmentation, fire suppression systems (sprinklers and misting systems), fire alarm and evacuation alert systems.

CHIC’s members can use their Frameworks and DPS solutions to provide professional support and solutions to help address these issues.

Andrew Mellor, Partner at PRP said: “We are very pleased to be awarded this opportunity via CHIC and to be able to continue our work with the Welsh Government with regards to Building Safety. Ensuring the safety of residents in multi-occupancy residential blocks is paramount and the work procured via this framework will enable the initial stages of that journey for many buildings in Wales.”



Rydym yn hapus i gyhoeddi bod PRP wedi derbyn cytundeb i gefnogi Tîm Diogelu Adeiladau Llywodraeth Cymru trwy Consortiwm Buddsoddi mewn Cymynedau a Thai.

Mae Cronfa Diogelu Adeiladau Cymru an anelu at wella diffygion diogelu adeiladau rhag dân mewn adeiladau canolig eu huchder ac adeiladau uchel yng Nghymru. Y nod yw i gwblhau y newidiadau o fewn cyfnod amser rhesymol er mwyn sicrhau y bydd trigolion yn gallu parhau i fyw yn yr adeiladau yn ddiogel

Y pedair ardal allweddol sy’n bygwth diogelwch trigolion yw: Cladin, adrannu, systemau atal tân, larymau tân, a larymau gwagau adeiladau ar frys.

Gall aelodau CHIC ddefnyddio eu fframweithiau a chanllawiau DPS er mwyn cynnig cefnogaeth broffesiynol a chymorth i ddatrys y problemau hyn

Dywedodd Andrew Mellor, partner yn PRP: “Rydym yn hynod o falch i gael y cyfle hwn trwy CHIC i allu parhau ein gwaith gyda Llywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn a Diogelwch Adeiladau ac felly diogelwch trigolion mewn adeiladau aml breswyliaeth. Mae sicrhau diogelwch trigolion mewn adeiladau aml breswyliaeth o’r pwysicrwydd uchaf a bydd y Gwaith a gafwyd trwy’r fframwaith hon yn sicrhau dechreuad i’r daith i lawer o adeiladau yng Nghymru”