Architecture Hanbury Street

Project type


What we did

Architecture, Development Consultancy


London Borough of Tower Hamlets


Whitechapel, London


Winner - Best Scheme in Planning - National Housing Awards 2019
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Located just five minutes from Whitechapel Station, the site currently comprises of a number of garages, and an area of open space with many large trees, and a children's playground.

The long tapered site, which runs along an east west axis, is further constrained by a six storey block immediately to the south, and a primary school to the north. Windows from the east and west overlook the site, effectively preventing any 'outward looking' habitable rooms. A fresh and unique approach to the internal layouts has given the Council the opportunity to provide four three bedroom, and three four bedroom genuinely affordable family homes for rent. The strong architectural language is greatly emphasised by the extremely limited material palette and the exploitation of controlled simple brick detailing; all offset by the landscaping and external works. The combination of these elements results in a confident but calm scheme that integrates within the existing context.

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